Realistic self care


Self-care as a mum can be totally overwhelming, queue the list;

  • Meditate to clear your mind...

  • Put in place a solid morning and evening routine...

  • Get enough sleep... (Seriously what even is sleep?)

  • Exercise every day...

  • Do your pelvic floor exercises or you’ll regret it later on...

  • Practice deep belly breathing, get out of the red zone...

  • See a physiotherapist...

  • Make sure you nourish your body...

  • Make sure you cook from scratch...

  • Keep hydrated and drink 2L of water a day...

  • Be sure to take time out just to be on your own, listen to podcasts or read a book...

  • Get outside every day for at least 15 min you need the vitamin D...

  • Take your vitamins...

Between that be sure to keep your children alive and happy. Be present with them. Make sure they only eat organic nourishing food... Ohhh and don’t forget to spend time with your friends, family and put quality time into your relationship...

And... don’t neglect your hobbies or your career because one day the kids won’t be at home… Ohh and gratitude don’t forget to practice daily gratitude.. maybe do a journal?

Over the years we’ve talked about most of these things on this platform. And yes they are all important for wellbeing. BUT…Now with three young kids each under five we feel overwhelmed just reading that list! There is SO much out there when it comes to wellness. There is so much pressure to “find balance.”

Please know you don’t need to be doing all the things.. all the time! Maybe you’re nailing a few things and totally neglecting others. That’s ok. Be kind to yourself.

What we've found from working with hundreds of women is that often self-care gets put in the too hard basket, the I’m too busy basket or the I feel guilty for doing something for myself basket... #relatable ⠀

Often when we think of self-care things like massages, hot yoga classes and getting your nails painted spring to mind right?

Don't get us wrong all of these things totally are self-care and if you can fit them into your life then that is AMAZING. But, for the majority of women that we work with (including ourselves) very seldom are these things possible.

That’s why we like to talk about realistic self-care. It might not be possible for the above but it is possible to: Take 5 minutes to yourself, take a walk with or without your little ones to move your body, a 20 minute home workout, a healthy meal or a shower.

We encourage our members to have a list of realistic self-care and to tick something off that list each and every day. Why? Because to keep caring for everyone around you, you gotta care for yourself!

Self-care looks different to us all at different points in our lives. Please don’t stress yourself out if you’re not nailing all the things! We promise you none of us are!

Jen x


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