Navigating Exercise When You're Under the Weather: A Busy Mum's Guide

As busy mums, we know all too well that taking care of ourselves and finding the time to exercise can be a challenge, it’s so important but we’re not gonna tell you it’s easy because we know it’s not!

It gets especially tricky when our little ones need our attention around the clock… and even more so when illness hits the family! Recently we’ve had so many women from our community reach out asking about illness and exercise. It definitely is that time of year, the bugs are full on and we’ve had our fair share too! Bring on the sunshine!

The question we are constantly asked is; “Should I push through my regular exercise routine?” or “Should I give my body the rest it's asking for?” In this blog, we'll explore what can be delicate balance of exercising when sick. We'll also touch on the exhaustion that can come with being a mum, especially when your kids are unwell or keeping you up at night.

The power of movement even when you’re not feeling your best

When you're feeling a bit under the weather, the idea of exercising might not be all that appealing. However, there are times when a bit of movement can actually work wonders for your body. Light to moderate exercise can help improve blood circulation, boost ya mood, and provide a much needed energy lift.

But here's the trick: Tailor your workout to how you're feeling. Maybe you're a regular HIIT gal but feel a bit average? If so tune into that feeling! It might be best to stick to something less intense. Switch in a low-impact class, do a bit of yoga or take a walk. There is nothing wrong with switching up your routine when your body needs it! Low-impact options can help maintain your fitness routine while giving your body the recovery time it needs.

Continuing intense workouts when you're on the brink of falling ill could actually push you over the edge into full-blown sickness due to the added stress of the exercise.

Listening to Your Body: When Rest is the Best

One of the key indicators that your body might need a complete break from exercise is the location of your symptoms. If you're experiencing issues such as chest congestion, body aches, or a fever, these are signals that your body is actively fighting off an infection or illness. At this point, engaging in intense workouts may not be the wisest choice.

Pushing through exercise when you're sick can divert essential energy away from your immune system's efforts to get better and potentially prolonging your recovery time. Pushing through might also make your symptoms worse or even lead to a more serious health issues. Not only this pushing through can leave you feeling completely drained, both physically and mentally, making everything even more challenging and recovery much longer!

Go see the Dr and rest up!

Adjusting Your Routine When Mum Life Gets Tough

We all know that mum life can be bloody demanding, especially when your kids are sick and sleep becomes a luxury. During these times, it's perfectly okay to take a step back from your regular exercise routine and in our opinion you should. Your body is already working hard to handle the additional stress, so give it the space it needs to get better.

Exercising when we are absolutely exhausted can often mean poor form, poor core control and sometimes lead to injury which can push the workouts back even further! When you need to pull back on the exercise focus on proper hydration, nourishing foods, and getting as much rest as possible. Remember, being a mum is a workout in itself!

We hope this bog has been helpful! At the end of the day only you can be the judge of how sick you really are, tune into your body, tune into those energy levels and make the call that’s right for you. And… if you’re second guessing if you should be exercising then chances are you should probably be taking the rest!

Ren, Jen and the She Moves team xx

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Listen to the podcast: “4 Powerful tips to achieve your fitness goals”

Listen to the podcast: “Top 10 pregnancy tips with Ren & Jen”

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