Five Ways to Redefine Your Relationship with Your Postpartum Body: My Personal Journey

As a fresh mum of two beautiful boys, a former elite athlete, and someone who’s spent years in the fitness world, I’ve learnt that our relationship with our bodies is a beautiful, evolving journey. Every experience is unique, and each step along the way deserves to be celebrated, and respected. One thing I deeply believe is that we all deserve to feel good, no matter where we are. It’s not about perfection—it’s about progress, self-kindness, and respecting the amazing things our bodies are capable of.

I’d love to share a few tips from my own journey that have helped me embrace and celebrate my body:

1. Let Go of Perfection

Before I had kiddies, and as a high-performance athlete, I was all about pushing myself harder and achieving more. But becoming a mum made me realise—perfection should never be the goal. Instead, it’s about listening to my body, respecting its needs, celebrating what it’s done and embracing where I am today.

2. Celebrate the Small Wins

For me, postpartum life isn’t about achieving fitness goals in a week. It’s about celebrating small, meaningful wins. Maybe it’s a walk around the block with two little sidekicks, a She Moves mini movement bite, or simply taking a few minutes for a stretch. The little wins matter just as much, if not more, than the big ones. So, celebrate every step forward, no matter how small it may seem.

3. Focus on How You Feel - Kindness builds confidence

For me, the focus has shifted to how I feel. How does my body feel when I move? Am I stronger today than I was last week? Is my energy improving? These are the things that matter the most now, and they help me stay connected to my body without pressure.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

This is one I’m still learning every day. Postpartum recovery is no walk in the park. Some days feel hard, and that's okay. When I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself to be kind and patient - its made all the difference in how I view my journey. Recovery takes time, and being gentle with your body as it heals and adjusts is important.

5. Build a Supportive Community

I know from experience that when we’re surrounded by people who support us, who get us, and who remind us to keep going, it makes everything easier. At She Moves, our community of women who encourage each other and celebrate all the different ways we show up for ourselves, is something very special. Finding your tribe is a game-changer.

I’ve learnt a lot on my journey, and I know it’s a lifelong process. I’d love you to dial up that self-love too, start where you are, take small steps, and most importantly, be gentle with yourself.

Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for something special coming soon - we’re all in this together and we’ll help you get there, promise.

Ju x

Helpful links:


How my cycle has transformed my approach to my exercise